The Discount Trap in the Art World

The Discount Trap in the Art World

Discounts a Creative F** Up?

Inside the Studio of Goran Go Edition Nr.19 

After two decades in the dynamic art world, I'm taking my insights from pen and paper to the digital realm. In this blog post, we'll navigate the ever-evolving landscape of today's art culture industry, examining the intricacies of pricing, value, and the hidden costs of discounts.

Surfing, cruising or however the fuck next-gen call this web discovering bullshit today I often spent time stumbling on artist and galleries that are creating promotions 20, 30 and sometimes even 75% clearance sales on art. And truly I can understand the idea behind the discounts especially in great economy weather we live today. Except only one thing. You are not selling cheap socks made in Taiwan but your ART!

happy artist who sold most iof his work with 60 % rebates

So fellow artist, art aficionados and collectors of all things luxurious! Buckle the f*** up, because today we're diving headfirst into the enigmatic world of art, where masterpieces are born, coveted, and sometimes... discounted.

Yeah, you heard that right. In this blog post, we're going to unleash the artful charm, spice things the f*** up, and reveal why discounts might just be the Achilles' heel of creativity in the art world. We'll throw in some high-end flavour, a pinch of pizzazz, and serve you a feast for thought.

Let's cut the crap here and be brutally honest. If your art hasn't sold up to this point, there's a damn good chance it won't sell, even if you slash the price by 99%. Nobody gives a damn, and I'm guessing you don't want to feel like a total failure either. Even if you were our dear Lord Jesus himself, you wouldn't be giving it away for free. So, it's time to lift yourself up, put in some serious hours, and truly grasp how this art game works.

Jesus Christ the artist painting a picture of a judas while being observed with big elephant in the room

Listen, it's a fierce battle out there, trying to compete with the likes of dead artists, museums, gatekeepers, galleries, and those self-proclaimed Instagram half-naked artist babes. I completely understand your frustration, but it doesn't have to stay this way. So, give me a chance, and let me share some ideas and explain why I'm against this kind of business formula.

Why Discounts Are the Creative Buzzkill and the trap in the art world:

Perceived Value Limbo:

You've poured your f***ing soul into a canvas, and then suddenly, you slap a discount on it. It's like saying, "Yeah, my masterpiece was totally overpriced." Not the message you want to send to your collectors.

The Art Degrader:

Discounts can be like kryptonite for your artwork's superhero status. They have this knack for making your art feel less majestic, and nobody wants to see that s**t.

Bargain Hunters vs. Art Connoisseurs:

Do you really want bargain hunters swarming your art like a clearance sale at a discount store? Nah, you want the discerning collector crowd, the ones who get your art's true f***ing essence.

The High-End Art Brand:

In the world of luxury art, perception is everything. Imagine walking into a high-end boutique where the air is thick with opulence, and every item seems to exude an aura of exclusivity. The price tags are jaw-dropping, but that's precisely what draws you in, sparking a desire to possess something extraordinary.

Now, apply this same principle to your art. Maintaining those high f***ing prices isn't just about making more money; it's about crafting an art brand that exudes exclusivity and sophistication. Here's why it matters:

The Scarcity Effect:

High prices automatically create an air of scarcity around your art. When potential collectors see those hefty price tags, they understand that your pieces aren't a dime a dozen. This scarcity fuels desire and makes them yearn to own a unique masterpiece.

Targeting the Luxury-Loving Collector:

Let's face it; high-end collectors aren't searching for bargains. They crave art that stands out, art that symbolizes their refined taste and discerning eye. When you maintain high prices, you send a signal to these collectors that your work aligns with their appreciation for the finer things in life.

Building a Legacy:

Consider the legacy you want to leave behind as an artist. Do you want to be remembered for creating exclusive, timeless art, or as someone who constantly devalued their own work? High prices contribute to the narrative of a dedicated artist who values their craft and believes in the enduring value of their creations.

Attracting Serious Collectors:

High prices act as a filter, attracting serious collectors who are willing to invest in art for the long haul. These are the individuals who will treasure your work, showcase it proudly, and, perhaps, even pass it down through generations.

Art as an Investment:

For many high-end collectors, art isn't just a passion; it's an investment. They want to see their art appreciate over time. High prices convey the confidence that your art is worth every penny and has the potential to grow in value.


    Spice Up Your Art Game with These Alternatives:

    Limited Edition Elegance:

    Get f***ing fancy with limited editions. It's like having your art stroll down the red carpet – exclusive, stylish, and in demand.

    Art with a Personal F*ing Touch**:

    Who doesn't love a personalized experience? Offer things like exclusive studio visits, artist tête-à-têtes, or even custom art commissions. It's like having a secret handshake with your collectors.

    Collector-Only Soirees:

    Imagine hosting invitation-only f***ing shindigs or exhibitions for your VIP collectors. It's the art world's version of a swanky cocktail party.

    Artistic Evolution Unleashed:

    Share your artistic journey. Let your audience see the creative gears f***ing turning. It's a storytelling adventure that beats any discount.

    Exclusive Content Extravaganza:

    Go behind the scenes, spill the artistic stuff all around, mark your territory like some apex art predator and offer exclusive f***ing content to your collector community. It's like having a V.I.P pass to the coolest art show in town.

    piero manzoni merda dartista


    So, there you have it, art mavens and luxury connoisseurs, it's time to bid adieu to discounts as yesterday's news in the art world. Let's infuse your art with some good art shit like Piero Manzoni did in 1961, uphold that aura of exclusivity, and forge connections that go beyond mere price tags. Brace yourselves to stir up a storm, ignite the online realm, and turn your art into the hottest topic in town.

    Who would've thought art could be this sizzling, exhilarating, and downright epic?

     Till next week stay creative , be bold and do the right thing !


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