The Damn Art and the importance of stories

The Damn Art and the importance of stories

Inside the Studio of Goran Go Edition Nr.17 

A No-Bullshit Journey from Art Hoarder
to Canvas Slinger

So, back i a day when I started my small art collection , it wasn’t just the pretty pictures that got me; it was the goddamn stories behind them. These artists weren’t just splashing paint around; they were pouring their souls onto canvas, and I was there for the whole messy, beautiful affair.

My collector's raw truth will be honestly that I was obsessed with the tales these artistic freaks had to tell. Sometimes distance and time were often colossal pains in the ass, making these chats a rare treat. But hey, welcome to the 21st century, where we've got the tech to creep on any artist's life story from the comfort of our own damn couch and today in this freak-show thats the way it is ( I think ...)

Back in good old times Edith Piaf, that badass French singer who turned her hot mess of a life into pure gold said something like, “Use your faults, use your defects; then you're going to be a star." and damn if that isn’t the best advice anyone in this art circus could take.

Embrace your weird, your wonky, your fucked-up-ness, and shine bright like the crazy diamond you are - (full credit to Sia for the diamond thing love her to the bone , what a talent an amazing artist) 

To talk about The Artistic Rat Race it will take a millenium but in short : Today's art world? It’s a goddamn jungle, overflowing with more art than anyone knows what to do with. Think you can just waltz in and be the next big thing? Ha! Good fucking luck. The secret sauce, my friends, is being unapologetically you. Screw fitting in.

The Artist's Baptism by Fire: Me, becoming an artist? It was like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Art’s not just about making pretty shit. It’s a brawl – with society, with life, crazy traumas, pains and with your own demons. And no, I wasn’t some prodigy cranking out masterpieces. It took blood, sweat, and a shitload of tears to get to where I am today.

I can't stand Art schmoozers you know kinda someone who knows how to talk to people in a friendly way, especially to get what they want, world is full of these.  Don't get me wrong, I don’t do every arty party or snooty gallery opening. I’m after the real deal: raw, unfiltered chats with the artists, seeing their sanctuaries of creation, feeling that electric buzz when a show opens. 

Its like walking into an artist's studio for the first time felt just like Neil Armstrong's lunar stroll, and I can't resist a chuckle thinking, "Well, this might be one tiny step for me, but hey, a giant leap for art-kind!" For me that’s the good stuff, and the rest oh well i kinda find it booooooorrrrrriinggg. But hey its art is all  about that personal experience after all.

So, this rollercoaster from art collector to paint-slinging madman? It’s been a hell of a ride. Each piece I’ve snagged or slathered together isn’t just “art”; it’s a piece of a much larger, fucked-up, beautiful story. It’s about grabbing life by the balls and painting it in your own batshit crazy colors whatever these colors may be.

Stay bold , stay true and do the work its necessary to become you.

Now don't be shy invite me to your studio and lets talk art!


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