Inside the Studio of Goran Go Edition Nr.09

Inside the Studio of Goran Go Edition Nr.09

Beyond Technical Perfection:
Seeking the Soul in Art!

Oh man, oh man, oh man...

After enjoying a few nice rounds of wine the other day, I found myself in a discussion with a young artist.

He confidently explained how his art is technically perfect and how he’s poised to be one of the next big names. Fresh out of art school, he was eager to conquer the art world.

In my mind, I didn’t necessarily question the accuracy or falsity of his statements, but they definitely ignited a thought. It led me to ponder the emotional effect in art and how people respond to it.

The emotional impact on people is not just a technical matter.

The art world is replete with technically perfect pieces – works executed flawlessly in drawing, with colors applied precisely, academically impeccable.

Yet, these often fail to truly resonate.
Galleries are full of such art.

It seems that the art people respond to most is the kind that represents an unfiltered communion of creative impulse from the artist, transformed into reality. That is what touches people in art.

When I look at a painting, a drawing, or a sculpture, or hear opinions on the quality of work, I find that perfection, technicality, or academic standards don't matter to me as a viewer or observer.


What I strive to ensure is that something essential, something deeply human, is communicated through my engagement with art.

It's the visceral reaction, the emotional pull that transcends technical critique.
Art, in its most profound form, should stir the soul, challenge perceptions, or provide a unique glimpse into the artist’s inner world. It’s this silent dialogue, this raw emotive power, that draws me in.

Whether it's a chaotic swirl of colors capturing a mood, a rough sculpture telling a story, or a simple sketch holding a thousand meanings, it's the connection, the emotion, the human touch that matters most to me. In a world brimming with flawless execution, I long for the pieces that evoke feeling, that remind me of the imperfection and beauty of the human condition.



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