Monument of Sphinx drawing on the newspapers from 40's

Inside the Studio of Goran Go Edition Nr.12

Congratulations! You made it.  

You survived 2023 in this whatever this is. Some call it simulation, end of the world, and for some it’s still good ol'Girl called Earth who is going through a tough period.

old photo of the planet earth in the hands of the man, close-up  , view from the moon

It may be news to you but the Egyptians knew it ages ago... 

To raise the temperature by 2 degrees or not the question is now... fires raging, people moving around the planet, massive layoffs, corrupted politicians, 2 beautiful wars full of economical promises for our allies, rise of the Ai, Real estate sky rocketing that created a shitty 5-8% mortgage rate collapse, a great government with a great Nazi tendencies, communism becoming trendy again and for some unknown reason no-one actually gives a damn about the COVID, yet hospitals are fully crowded and full of waiting rooms. 

The world decided to take a rollercoaster ride through the absurd and the astonishing. It all started when the global democratic recession decided to hit a new low.

Meanwhile, the space race turned into a cosmic comedy. Countries and corporations rushed to the stars, tripping over each other in the process. India, not to be outdone, landed a vehicle on the moon, making sure to wave at the remnants of Russia's crashed lander on its way​. Back on Earth, India quietly overtook China as the world's most populous country, leaving Chinese demographers scratching their heads and wondering where everyone went.

Artificial Intelligence, possibly bored with human antics, decided to become more advanced and started writing better jokes than most comedians. Geoffrey Hinton quit Google to warn of AI's dangers, while others debated if AI would lead to a utopian future or a robot apocalypse​.

In a plot twist no one saw coming, a Chinese surveillance balloon casually floated over the United States. The U.S. responded in the only reasonable way – by shooting it down. This sparked a diplomatic bull$H17, with China insisting it was just a lost weather balloon. The U.S. wasn't buying it, though​​. For god sake even us Canadians shoot something. Of course since its a matter of national security  we can’t say what, where or when but we know we did.

person points at UFO, black and white photo

Ukraine, in an effort to be the underdog hero of our story, launched a counteroffensive against Russia. However, it quickly turned into a stalemate, with both sides stubbornly refusing to budge, much like two kids fighting over the last piece of cake​, but of course is more complex than that. It always is.

Not to talk about surprising episode, Hamas attacked Israel, causing a tragic loss of life and sparking international outrage. The conflict quickly escalated into a series of airstrikes and invasions, with both sides digging in their heels​​. If i can say from living similar situation back in 90s in former Yugoslavia from my personal experience this is much more then just retaliation. It looks much more as ethnic cleanse but then what do i know I have witnesses only one 30 years ago...

But wait, there's more! The Earth, feeling left out of all the drama, decided to break temperature records, causing extreme weather events everywhere. While scientists scrambled to find solutions, the planet seemed to be saying, "I told you so"​ we kinda hear the same story , scientist screaming out of their lungs same shit since the 50’s but who am I to say anything about it , we have Greta a prodigy child who has access to anything anywhere, anytime. You go girl! Tell em scientists how it really is.

Remember that technology CRISPR ? Yeah that guy who does wonders to your DNA , well this kid ventured into treating high cholesterol​​ and AI started creating art like a moody artist​​ actually 1 zillion times better but dont get me even started on that one its a whole another battle yet not to be won.

Considering our amazing land known for polite apologies and maple syrup, decided to take the cultural world by storm, eh?

Who needs Hollywood when you've got Toronto? Sarah Polley directed "Women Talking," a film so Canadian it apologized for being American​​. And let's not forget "Blackberry," a movie about Canada's favorite fruit – oh wait, it's about a phone that lost a race to Apple and Android​​.

In the world of museums, Canada decided to open a Canoe Museum, because what's more Canadian than paddling a canoe while saying sorry for splashing water? And the Holocaust Museum in Montreal took a stand, saying, "Sorry, but we need to talk about this"​

Lastly, augmented reality art in Toronto’s Museum of Contemporary Art proved you don't need to brave the cold to see art – just download an app and avoid frostbite!​​

So, as 2023 wrapped up, Canada looked back at its cultural achievements and said,"Not bad, eh?"

But, of course, in a very modest, Canadian way...Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction​… Lets hope you prosper and have much more fun and health in 2024 but chances are lets say like winning a lottery ticket. 

The end, sorry if it's too much! 




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