Another end of the world is possible

Another end of the world is possible

Inside the Studio of Goran Go Edition Nr.14  

New 2024 but for some reason smells like same old 💩.

"Here we are, on the cusp of the New Year, feeling like we just hopped off a time-traveling carousel. Wasn't it just yesterday we were making resolutions we probably wouldn't keep? This year has flown by faster than a conspiracy theory on the internet.

Did anyone manage to tick off bucket list items? Maybe learning to yodel or perfecting the art of couch potatoing?

And of course, who can forget our collective wish for 2021, 2022, 2023 : a return to 'normal,' whatever that mythical creature NORMAL may be.

Like every end of the year I love walking trough the city, playing a solo game of 'Spot the Difference' with the past and present. Remember when this town was more than just a stage for an urban game of Monopoly, minus the fun?

Even I live here for 27 years sometimes I feel Lost... like this beautiful woman in my artwork bellow. 


Artwork Lost -  WINTER collection  2023 - Limited edition


The poetic text like A text graffiti on one of the walls I found says "Un autre fin de monde est possible" – "Another end of the world is possible"  It kinda opens up a deeply imaginative and philosophically rich territory for exploration. This phrase alone conjures a sense of possibility amidst apocalyptic themes, challenging the reader to envision alternate realities... You might want to tie in historical events or cultural beliefs about the end of the world or maybe is just some young schmuck going around and destroying  the private-property trying to be a new modern Molière.

Who knows , I wasn't present when the poetic crime was committed but it did made me think for a moment.

A text graffiti on the wall written in french : Un autre fin de monde est possible

And then, on each corner showcases a fashionable collection of closed shops. It's like they all decided to throw a 'Going Out of Business' party and forgot to end it.The walls around town are now in a graffiti arms race, each trying to be the next Banksy masterpiece. 

graffiti montreal 2023

Oh, and the restaurants? Packed with folks trying to socialize like they’re relearning a forgotten language – Desperanto talking about the most important things there is to talk about. But hey, some things are as consistent as bullshit from your local news channel. The construction sites are still playing their symphony of jackhammers. And, the police sirens? They provide the perfect background score, always there, like an overzealous street performer who never knows when to call it a day.

Comparing Montreal today to the Bronx of the '70s and '80s? That’s like saying your iPhone resembles a rotary phone because both can make calls. Back then, the Bronx had more 'For Sale' signs than a Black Friday at Walmart. Its resemblance to a post-WWII European city was less 'charming old world' and more 'did a giant toddler have a tantrum here?'

Strolling down streets like Saint-Denis or Saint Laurent, I can’t help but feel like I’m in a time-travel movie, only the budget was so low they could only afford to change half the set. It’s a weird blend of nostalgia and a game show where the grand prize is a gentle reminder:

Everything changes, but not always like you expect...




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