Navigating the Shift in Art Consumption: From Fast Food to Gourmet Experiences

Navigating the Shift in Art Consumption: From Fast Food to Gourmet Experiences

Hey, it's been a hot sec since I last threw down some words here. Not from slacking off—nah, I've been on a spiritual joyride, trying to pump some life back into my creative tank which, to be honest, was damn near empty.

The Art Scene's Radical Makeover

Man, the art world's been flipping on its head.

It's been happening for a while now—ever since anyone with a smartphone started calling whatever they snap 'art.' The way we consume, digest, and spit out art is evolving faster than you can double-tap. And if you're dying to know what I think (because here I am, telling you anyway), the whole scene of art consumption is kinda fucked up.

Yep, I said it, FUCKED UP !

The Social Media Mess

Social media, that colossal beast of likes and so-called 'healthy' debates, has pretty much tossed us overboard. It's draining our creative souls dry, if I can say out loud. We’ve let algorithms and their overlord coders yank our chains, turning us into like-hungry zombies craving validation.

"Who the F$%#@ can think profoundly in 43 characters or spark a legit debate in an HTML box?" Honestly, I can’t. Big props if you’re the exception.

Scouring through endless feeds of cat vids and bogus ads just to spot one legit artist feels like a treasure hunt without the map. Following an artist's journey can be epic, watching their style evolve, but here we are—scrolling endlessly, never pausing to engage or really see. It’s like our brains, bless 'em, haven’t gotten a software update in a century. They’re just not wired for this relentless digital onslaught.

The algorithm? Simple as hell. "Watched a cat video? Here’s a billion more. Like stupid stuff? Let me show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes."

A Fresh Game Plan for Art Appreciation

Here’s what we gotta do: slow the hell down. Immerse yourself in the art like you’re marinating chicken for that smoky BBQ flavor—take your time with it.

Can we pull it off? I’m not sure, but hey, we can try.

Understanding that a 'like' doesn’t pay the bills is a start. A heart icon isn’t gonna buy the artist more paint or pay their light bill. Sharing is cool, but it hardly scratches the surface if your followers don’t grasp the message behind the artwork. And to say that engaging with artist means asking questions, and not just leaving a comment in his latest post saying wow or amazing this rocks.

These are the fucking lazy comments and trust me any artist that pours his soul into his work will feel offended.Maybe try engaging with some actual words, huh? Add something meaty to the convo.

That’s how normal humans should operate—not just sterile clicks separated by screens. But then again these are not normal times , right? We artists crave feedback, real talks about our creations, and ideas. That can only happen with deeper communication, real interaction with the people who view our stuff. Get to know us at shows, hit us up online. We value genuine questions and discussions about our work—it helps us evolve.This calls for a community that’s engaged not just with their eyes but with their minds and hearts too.

Let’s Get Real About Engagement

We need to dive deep into the art that challenges and sparks debate, not just skim the surface with superficial likes. Art should be more than fleeting encounters; it should provoke thought and inspire change.

I think its time for a digital renaissance, peps.

Let's shift how we interact with art online and teach the next generation to do better. Let's create an ecosystem where feedback is a dialogue that fosters growth and appreciation—a dialogue that enriches both creator and consumer. By deepening our engagement with art, we challenge ourselves to look beyond the surface and truly understand the emotions and messages behind each piece. The next time a piece of art catches your eye, don’t just scroll past. Dive in, ask questions, and kick-start a meaningful conversation. Our collective voice can transform how art is perceived and appreciated.

The Scream for Genuine Engagement

Isn’t it about time we craved some real, mind-nourishing content? Time for a massive cleanup of the crap we've been mindlessly sharing every damn day.

Valuing Substance Over Style

Here’s a wild idea: what if we started valuing the depth of thought more than the depth of field in your next Instagram selfie?

Ask yourself: am I here to challenge the norm or just ride the latest trend wave?

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