2009 Gorango Paints in his studio

Inside the Studio of Goran Go Edition Nr.06

Somewhere once i heard this story about the little village called Normal.
I do not recall where or how this story came to my attention but i thought it may be an interesting blog post for today.

"The Unusual Show in Normal Village"

This story of "The Unusual Show" can be seen as a metaphor for our contemporary world.It reminded me of challenging times we all live in today.  From embracing diversity, the celebration of individuality to globalization and ways to overcome pre justice trough the power of exposure and education. 

The story goes something like this...

Once upon a time, there was a little village called Normal. It was a quiet place where every day was pretty much like the last. The people of Normal liked everything to be just so – nothing too different or strange.

One sunny morning, a group of traveller's arrived. They were nothing like the people of Normal. They wore bright, colourful clothes and spoke in funny accents. They laughed loudly and sang songs that no one in Normal had heard before.

At first, the villagers didn't know what to make of these visitors. They whispered to each other and didn't understand why the travelers were so different. Some people even made fun of them and didn't want them in the village.

But the travellers had a plan. They set up a big, colourful tent in the middle of the village. They put up signs inviting everyone to "The Unusual Show."

The people of Normal were curious. They had never seen a show before, so they decided to go and see what it was all about. Inside the tent, there were amazing things. There was a person juggling flaming torches, someone else eating foods that no one in Normal had ever seen, and a lady who could bend her body in the most incredible ways.

The villagers couldn't believe their eyes. They laughed and clapped and had a wonderful time. They realized that being different wasn't bad at all – it was actually pretty exciting!

After the show, the people of Normal excused themselves to the traveller's for not being good to them, and asked the travellers to stay longer and teach them more about their interesting ways.

From that day on, Normal wasn't just a normal village anymore. It became a place where everyone was welcome, no matter how unusual they were. And the villagers, who once thought being the same was the best, now loved to learn new things and meet different people.

In summary the story  serves as a simple yet profound allegory for the times we live in, emphasizing the importance of embracing diversity, challenging prejudices, and celebrating the unique qualities that each person and culture bring to the global tapestry.


I hope you enjoyed this little story ;) 




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