Trends: The Art World's One-Night Stands

Trends: The Art World's One-Night Stands

Embracing the Timeless: Beyond the Ephemeral Art Trends

Inside the Studio of Goran Go Edition Nr.20

Nothing is forever and what is hyped today is most likely gone tomorrow.

Ah, the awaited juncture has arrived to partake in the cherished Friday tradition: a rejuvenating plunge into the art of eloquent grumbling*

A, B, C, D, E, Fuck Trends!

I can't stand them. You know, the ones that zap your brain cells faster than you can say "abstract expressionism": Pour Painting, where the most complex decision is choosing between teal and turquoise; Mandala Art, which makes you wonder if you've accidentally joined a geometry class; Glitter and Gold Leaf Overuse, because why create depth when you can just blind your audience with bling? Then there's Overly Staged Art Photography, where the coffee cup is more thought-out than the composition, how about Text-Based Motivational Artworks, where the depth, emotion, and uniqueness are as close as Alpha Centauri—4.367 light years away, to be exact. If I wanted a pep talk, I'd go visit the graveyard and talk with my grandma, not stare at my wall!

text based motivational art

Those fleeting little fuckers that pop up like uninvited guests at a party, drink all your booze, and leave without helping to clean up. Being a seasoned Creative, and man of a party living I've danced with these ephemeral beasts more times than I care to admit.

Kazuo Shiraga feet painting

And let me tell you, it's like trying to paint with feet – amusing for a second, but ultimately a damn mess. ( on that matter there is some fantastic Japanese masters such as Kazuo Shiraga Pioneer of Japanese action painting a member of Japan’s Gutai group of avant-garde artists, but it would not be my case or case of any Instagram model who is using a foot fetish while presenting her last artwork... ) 

The Fleeting Nature of Art Trends:
Now, don't get me wrong. I get the smelly appeal. Trends are like that catchy pop | poop song you hate to love – it's fun, it's now, but let's face it, in a week's time, it's just another tune that makes you cringe when it pops up on your playlist. They're the art world's one-night stands: thrilling in the moment but barely a memory by the time you've cleaned your brushes.

The Allure and Pitfalls of Artistic Trends:
But here's a radical thought – what if we, as artists, said "screw it" to chasing these (feeting) fancies? What if we grabbed our creative cojones and decided to paint, sculpt, and design with a wild abandon that's blind to the siren calls of 'what's hot' and 'what's not'?

Creative Independence Over Trend Conformity:
Imagine the freedom, the sheer, unadulterated joy of creating something that doesn't give a flying f***ng color palette about fitting in. Art that's so bold, so raw, so unapologetically you that it doesn't just break the mold – it smashes it to smithereens and then dances on the debris in neon-spattered boots.

The Unbridled Joy of Trend-Defiant Artistry:
So, to my fellow artists, creators, and mischief-makers, I say this: Let's make our next masterpiece the antithesis of a trend. Let's create like nobody's watching, paint like our souls depend on it, and maybe – just maybe – give the art world something to talk about long after the next trend has had its one-night stand and slipped quietly out the back door.

Here's to the timeless, the bold, and the utterly, wonderfully bizarre. ( almost quoted that Apple campaign Think Different. ) May our art outlive the trends and barefoot Instagram art models....

ps: The birth of Venus Sandro Botticelli toes it seams there is some conspiracy theory around them...Clearly Botticelli had some trouble there 

Cheers to that art people! 

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The birth of Venus Sandro Botticelli-1483 - 1485The toes of Botticelli’s Venus.

 * Eloquent grumbling is a phrase that combines two seemingly contradictory terms to describe a form of expression that is both articulate and discontented. It suggests the act of voicing complaints or frustrations in a manner that is refined, well-spoken, and perhaps even poetic or witty. Instead of a raw outburst of dissatisfaction, eloquent grumbling implies a more sophisticated or thoughtfully crafted critique, where the language used is deliberate and possibly carries a touch of irony or humor. It's a way of venting or critiquing that maintains a level of class or intelligence, turning what could be a negative rant into a more palatable or even enjoyable discourse.


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